
My Workbook | Vacancy Smart Match

UWV, The Netherlands


Werk.nl is playing an increasingly important role in combating unemployment. The UWV had to cut 600 million euros. 68 of the 130 offices were closed. Only ten percent of job seekers will soon be able to turn to an employment intermediary. The vast majority of unemployed people will be guided via werk.nl. 

The UWV recognises the problems with offering vacancies. “It often goes well, but there are also quite a few mismatches,” says André Timmermans, director of UWV Werkbedrijf. “Of course that has to come out, we are working hard on that too. We are going to replace the system with a new system, which is better able to make connections.”

The challenge was to design solutions in a technologically complex legacy environment, delivering solutions that enable users to manage their online resume and optimised the usability and interaction of  search and matching of relevant vacancies, using smart search and match technology.

• Usability Research & Insights
• User Flows
• Information Architecture
• UX Guide Design System and Components |  
• Interaction Design 
• Visual Designs of the UI
• Workshops
• Interactive Prototypes

• Delivered design solution for the vacancy search and match functionality, improving data quality and user taxonomy alignment. 
• Designed the features and parts of it like, online resume for the 'Workbook' where users can create their resume, and 'Tasks and Interviews' where users must administer their progress. 
• PDF format resume functionality for export and printing. 
• UX Design Guide / System of Werk.nl that facilitates the designers and developers. 
Government, 2015

Working in-house supporting and guiding the Business with design direction and supporting five scrum development teams with interaction and visual designs while aligning with the UX design team. 

Scrum team 
• UX designer
• Front-end Developers
• Business owner
• Product owner
• Scrum masters
• Back-end Developers
• Business Analist
• Testers
• Managers 
• Content Writers

- Axure Pro
- Adobe Suite 
- Tobii Eyetracking
- Slack
- Jira
- Confluence

Vacancy Smart Match Technology
The previous vacancy search was not relevant, slow and outdated. To solve this issue I used a user centric approach combined with smart match technology, which resulted in a service offered on the website of Werk.nl. Now the most relevant results are presented to the user and other smart ways to assist the user in his search for a new job.

Number of vacancies on werk.nl 
2014 - 874.300
2015 - 1.315.800
2016 - 1.615.000
2017 - 2.568.300
2018 - 3.632.000
2019 - 4.171.600
Tasks & Interview Activities
In order to find work again as quickly as possible, it is important that the jobseeker applies regularly. They inform application activities via a task in My Workbook. Has anything changed their situation? They wil give a response via the My Workbook. Here I designed the information architecture, interaction design and interface design. Watch the video.

UI Design Examples

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